How do I register for a free flight ?
This online registration system is the only way to register for a free flight.
A highlighted line under the header will indicate if registration has not yet opened, is full, or has closed.
Can I still get a flight if registration is full ?
Keep checking the website. We often get late cancellations. Registration will close 24 hours before the event.
Sorry, we cannot accept walk-ins on the day of the event.
Can I be put on the waiting list ?
Sorry, no, we do not maintain a waiting list. You must have registered in advance to fly.
Please continue to monitor the website in case time slots become available due to cancellations.
If you are considering getting your pilot′s license, you could purchase an introductory flight lesson from the Rockcliffe Flying Club (RFC). If you just wish to go for a short flight, both the Museum and RFC also offer local sight-seeing flights for a fee.
Can children under 12 years old fly ?
This program is intended for older children who can better appreciate the experience. There are a number of reasons for this, including a lack of child seats, small headsets and high window sills. Proof of age may be required upon arrival. We will accept younger girls provided their height is at least 145 cm.
Can males attend the event?
Boys and men are welcome to accompany participants on the ground, but the free flights are intended specifically for girls and women.
Please note that other aviation groups such as COPA and the EAA occasionally offer free flights for boys and girls.
Is the event cancelled if it rains ?
Precipitation, low cloud and wind may all be reasons to postpone or cancel the event. We cannot guarantee you a flight. Depending on the weather, we may be able to fly for part of the day.
We have a rain date scheduled the following day, on Sunday. If the weather is sufficient, we will continue flying then. Check the Girls Take Flight web site for an announcement before coming to the museum.
Can I fly together with my group ?
Many aircraft carry a pilot and three passengers. We try to group passengers so you fly together, but it isn′t always possible. Each of you must be individually registered.
Do we need to pay for anything ?
There is no cost for your flight, which is generously provided by volunteer pilots, ground volunteers and our sponsors.
If you wish to show your thanks by making a donation to help us cover our expenses, it will be appreciated.
The museum provides free admission for participants, and one escort for children who are participating. The museum charges admission for all other visitors, and charges for parking.
Still have a question ?
We receive numerous emails leading up to the event, most of which are answered on our web site. Please take another look.
If you still have a question, please email us. If your question is not answered on our web site, our volunteers will endeavour to respond within 48 hours. Please check your spam folder !